Tuesday, June 19, 2007

under the weather with procrastination

Right now I am mega procrastinating number 7 of 7 papers I've had to write for one of my ESL classes. I really don't have the gumption to even open Microsoft Word and BS my way through one more of these darn papers. I just have three more days (2 1/2 if you consider that I only have one hour, instead of 4 of my morning class on Friday.) Here's a list of what still needs to be done before this week is over:
*Write Learning log #7 (due tomorrow)
*Complete ENGL 4420 Student Analysis paper and chart (due tomorrow)(this one's basically done)
*Give presentation in ENGL 4420 on "Wh-" questions (On Thursday...this should be fun because we're acting out Abbot and Costello "Who's on first" comedy sketch. I'm Abbott. )
*Write response paper to my second language acquisition experience (Due Thursday)
*Complete writing 155 sentences for my ENGL 4420 final (due Friday)
*Study and take EDUC 4250 final on Friday

Sounds fun, eh? I'll be uber relieved when these classes are over.

Speaking of procrastination, I just looked up and read several great quotes about procrastination. (I'm a sucker for a good quote). I feel that any of these quotes could be my motto this evening. As you can see, I have plenty to do, but lack the desire. (As I told my colleagues today while lunching on itchy dry grass: "Right now, going to the dentist sounds more fun than going to class." (and if you know me and my phobia of the dentist, that's a pretty profound statement.) At any rate, here are a few of these perfect procrastination quotes:
The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up. ~Author Unknown
If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done. ~Author Unknown
Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. ~Robert Benchley
The two rules of procrastination: 1) Do it today. 2) Tomorrow will be today tomorrow. ~Author Unknown
You may delay, but time will not. ~Benjamin Franklin
If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. ~Olin Miller
Procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow. ~Gerald Vaughn

Hopefully once Friday comes, I'll be a little more creative in the blogging department. I don't want to bore you all with "Tales of Torture," a title I would give a book if I were asked to write one on these ESL classes. But, I will say this. Either because I'm literally going crazy or because I may actually be funny (something I've secretly wanted to be my whole life), my group dubbed me the comic relief of the group yesterday when I--not kidding here--had a full on temper tantrum, rolling on the ground, bratty kid fit. Partially I did this because I was super stressed with all we had to do and I was extremely tired. Partially, however, I wanted to lighten the mood of our very tense learning environment.

Oh, and did I tell you about how I mocked our teacher by making a funny face when I thought he wasn't looking but how when I made the face, he turned around and saw??

Yup. It's official. I'm going loony. All because of ESL!!!! Happy Procrastination to you all!

**UPDATE** After completing this blog (and changing my template) I spent a mere 6 minutes BS'ing my way to the completiong of paper #7; quite a brilliant work of art. Now, I feel better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe if I had a temper tantrum at work, my days would go easier..nah, my manager would just put me on warning and then fire me!!

Hope the rest of the week goes easier!