Saturday, August 18, 2007

paying for air

The Devil didn't want me to go to the temple today. Here's why I did anyway.

I have a slow leak in one of my car tires. This tire has been through a bunch this year...rolled over nails and screws a few times. It's been doing fine until just about a week ago. I noticed it was low, so I put air in it and told Ben that he'd need to fix it (ie...get a NEW one!)

I've had to put air in it pretty much every time I go somewhere in my car, which lately has been a lot. This morning, when I got in my car to go to the temple, I figured I'd stop at the 7-11 right down the street on my way. I pulled up and noticed that the air cost 75 cents. Seriously. (I didn't have any "cents" or dollars)

Ok, I thought, there's a Holiday Oil a few blocks away. I drove there (mind you, I've filled the tire up at least 2 times before at this same station), got out of my car (in the rain) and went to push the air button. No air. Broken. Seriously.

Now I'm starting to get irritated. I drove a ways down Redwood Road and stopped at the first Sinclair I saw. Annoyingly, it costs 50 cents. Don't even bother, Devil, I am already feeling like I'm ready to turn around and come put me in a mood.

I get back on Redwood, drive to a Cheveron, always a safe bet in my book. This time, the air didn't cost anything (wahoo!) but some old man was using the air hose to spray out the bed of his truck. Duh. I nearly cursed, Devil, but I didn't.

At this time I was just about 3 blocks from the temple. It really started pouring rain and when I came across another Holiday Oil, I stopped in to see if, just by chance, this air didn't cost anything. I was in luck.

I eventually made it to the temple with a full tire. I wondered, though, why air costs. We breath it daily for free. Why put a price in something that is naturally made? I don't get it.
Enough of the whole paying for air shenanigan's. Give us air for free, like it's supposed to be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That pre-Temple opposition is killer! Hooray for being an "annoyer" to Satan's plan to distract you from the Temple! Way to go! xoxo