Sunday, October 12, 2008

family weekend and i heart my family.

I heart my family. All of them.

Yesterday I drove down to Hinckley, Utah with my mom, grandma, Hilary, and Cassidy to go to Heather's baby shower. On the trip down, Cassidy and I were trying to write down all of the lyrics to a song from The Corpse Bride, which she was watching. The above is a picture I took of us when we realized it was too hard to write them down. She looks kind of silly, but after such a long car ride, it was easy to be a little goofy.

We also were able to go to dinner with Eric and Heather, who came in on Friday, on Friday night at Hoppers. Ben's parents came along, too. We had a great time. My red crab claws totally hit the spot (even though I got a wave of nausea as soon as we walked through the doors)!

I just love when we all get together and hang out. We all get along, which I think it sometimes rare in families. Our family (at least my side) is really small, but we have tons of fun. My brothers are both neat guys and tell me they love me, which means a lot. Their wives are like the older sisters I never had. My mom is freaking A-mazing! And my dad is super cool (and the most dedicated of my blog readers!)

And in just a few short months we'll go from one grandchild to a total of four. What a population explosion!! How Cassidy's lone-grandchild life will change!

I also heart the other side (Ben's side) of my family. I have in-laws who are pretty darn wonderful. I have three other brothers who all seem to put up with me. I have a fun sister-in-law (thanks Meg, for making fun comments on my blog lately!!) and two darling nieces and handsome new nephew. I heart them all!!

I always look forward to getting together with the family, for whatever reason. I'm SO glad we have families here on earth to enjoy life with and who we can lean on for support.

If you are a member of my family, I thank you and love you!!!!


Meggie said...

I love all of the Huberts! They're like the family I never had (until I got married, and they became the family I do have. Er- whatever, you know what I mean lol)

You guys are going to make me an aunt for the first time, ahh yay! I think the little bean is going to be a boy. Liam needs a playmate ;)

Anonymous said...

When you told me about the baby shower in Hinckley, I entertained thoughts of taking the day off and being a surprise guest! But by the time I thought about it, it was too late to get the day off. That's a long drive from here.
I wonder how Cassidy is going to be going from being the only grandchild to 1 of 4. She seemed excited about Hilary's baby being a boy, but she didn't like the name Diego!
I need to be able to spend more time with you guys. Growing old alone is no fun.