Sunday, June 21, 2009

timpanogos cave

My brother, Zach and his family invited me to hike Mt. Timpanogos Cave with them on Saturday. Even though the weather was kind of crummy, it was still a fun time.
Baby Erich had a pretty sweet ride for the hike. He lounged, ate, and slept in a front carrier. In addition to his 12 lb frame, I also carried a backpack with other stuff in it. Needless to say, I was weighed down and was out of breath a few times.
Baby Cash and Baby Erich are hidden by hats and blankets. Hilary and I did pretty good, considering we both recently had babies!!
My and Zach. He had is high-tech hiking equipment, along with a HUGE umbrella that we ended up needing for a bit right after this picture was taken.
Baby Cash on one of our many pit stops, just enjoying the adventure!
Cute Cassidy hanging out on the trail. She's a pretty good little hiker!

THE CAVE PICTURES: I could explain them all, but I'll spare you the details. Most of the pictures just don't do it justice because inside is just super spectacular.
One thing I will say, however, is that am a relative of Wayne Hansen (Hanson? Dad??) who was one of the two men who discovered part of Timpanogos Cave, which currently bears the name "Hansen/on Cave." Zach and I felt pretty special to brag about this fact to the tour guide (ok, so we didn't really brag and we really don't know the whole story, but this guy Wayne really did discover the cave and really is related..I think he was my dad's uncle).
All these hangy-down things (stalagtites/mites??) were pretty sweet. These in the above picture are what they affectionaly have called 'soda straws,' and a pretty cool. My taller traveling companions (Hilary, Zach) each hit their heads on the hangy-down things, to which I laughed and had myself a good inside chuckle.It took about an hour to walk through the whole thing. It was pretty fascinating, much more so than I remember it being as a kid. I'm glad that little man slept the whole time inside and did a pretty good job the whole hiking trip.
Thanks Zach and Hilary for inviting me and taking me along for the ride!!

1 comment:

* said...

Love the baby slings! I'm a proud slingin' mama for the past 7+ years! Whoohaaa! ;) And the Timp caves are a lot of fun, although the last time I went I was totally winded, and that was sadly, years ago while a BYU student.