Monday, March 23, 2009


(Ok, sis-in-law, Meaghan, requested a belly picture. Here you go, Meg. Here I am last Saturday at my niece's birthday party. I'm feeling ginormous. My students tell me I'm humongous. I'm definitely just about ready to pop, as they say.)

Today I had another doctor's appointment. I am 37 weeks, 5 days. I knew my doctor was going to check me again today and wondered if there was going to be any progress (because as of two weeks ago, there wasn't much). She did her thing and confirmed that I am dilated to a 3. She felt the baby's head and said, "He or she likes to have their head rubbed because every time I touch the head, it kicks!" Doctor H said she doesn't think I will "go" this week, but to definitely have my bag packed and the carseat installed because at this point I could really "go" at anytime. My next appointment is next Monday, at which point, she'll obviously check me again and possibly stip my membranes. Sounds fun, eh?!?! As she said might happen because of her "checking," I've been having Braxton Hix contractions all evening.

Baby's heart beat was in the 130-140's today, which is higher than it has been the last two times. Still the best sound evah! The baby's movements are, as I think I've mentioned previously, sometimes a little painful...As in, kicks so hard it takes my breath away...As in, we literally saw a big lump on my side, which we deduced was a hand...As in, the movements are big enough for a student who sits in the back of the room to see AND comment about ("Holy cow, Mrs. H! Your belly is sure moving!")...As in, last night Ben's hand was literally punched off my belly.

Baby's room is totally not even close to being done and I. Am. Freaking. OUT!!! The walls need to be prepped for paint (well, this is partialy done) and painted. Also, carpet still needs to be installed. And then there's the wholel thing about setting up a crib and such. So it looks like we'll possibly be having Baby sleep in one of our dresser drawers if he or she comes any sooner than the due date.

In other non-pregnancy related news, I'm sick with...something. I started getting a sore throat on Friday night. It progressivly got worse and on Saturday I could barely swallow. Now it's my throat and my ears and my nose, a little bit. I was up for a few hours last night trying to alleviate the ear pain. My method was to put a hot wash cloth on my ear. I finally remembered I had some ear numbing drops from last year when I had all those ear aches. Ben woke up to put the drops in and then stayed up with me rubbing my back and making me laugh until I fell asleep. I would have called in sick today except for the fact that I have to save those precious days for maternity leave since the school district doesn't have set maternity leave. I'm feeling a tiny bit better tonight, but my ears a little plugged and my throat still burns.


Rachael said...

I hope you feel better! It's exciting that you're gettin so close, though I'm sorry you're stressed trying to finish getting everything ready. Hang in there!

Janelle said...

You look so cute! Good luck with everything. I can't wait to see pictures of baby H!

Darcy said...

My doctor strips me everytime and I go into labor the night! It has worked the past 2 times and I am hoping for a third! I had the same sickness thing as you but it was just my ears and throat. Hope you feel better now.

Meggie said...

Thanks for the pic, I love it! You make pregnancy look so cute. I always looked frumpy and tired, lol.

I hope the nursery is finished soon, but don't sweat it if Baby H comes before then. Liam STILL sleeps in my room next to our bed.. it's so much easier when they're in the newborn phase of waking up every few hours. He is graduating to his own room/crib on his 6 month birthday (Apr 1) so you could borrow his cute portable bed if you need to! Let me know!

Also- I was in full-blown labor about 5 hours after my doc stripped my membranes, and Liam was born a couple of hours later, so.. I have high hopes for your next appointment, hehe. Good luck! Lemme know if you need anything, I'm only a text away.. <3

kris said...

Lauren, you are an adorable pregnant woman!! Every mommy to be needs a belly picture. I am betting you won't make it until your next appointment...when I was dialated to 3....I was in a hospital bed. It won't be long now. I have been watching your blog everyday, so please let me know when you have your little one!!! P.S. It really sucks that your school district doesn't have maternity leave!!