Saturday, March 14, 2009


We were lucky to get a fun, unexpected visit from my brother Eric and his wife, Heather AND baby Dawson this week! My mom was previously the only one to have met baby Dawson in Wyoming, but we had a fun family gathering on Thursday night. Cassidy got to meet and hold her first cousin and Dawson and Cash met in person for the first time (I'm sure they've been little buddies in heaven for a while...). Now the only one missing is Baby Hubert, who has about 25 days left in the oven before meeting the family. Me and Dawson. He was wide awake and very curious as to all the new voices he was hearing.

Cassidy was an expert baby holder. She loved that Dawson kept looking up at her.

Cash was a little confused as to what we had planned when we tried propping him up on mom's bed for a photo shoot. I guess you could say he wasn't too happy about it...
But then Dawson calmed him down and we got this gem....I think they are both the very cutest little boys ever (and I reserve the right to say that about my baby if it, too, turns out to be a boy).

I had a chance to hold both of these darlings atop of my baby bump. They each had the opportunity to get kicked (or punched) from their little cousin in utero. I decided that it's kinda hard to hold a newborn baby comfortably when you're also dealing with a big belly, but it was totally worth it.

Even though mom's house is still upturned due to her construction project, we all had a nice (late!!) evening together, something that doesn't happen too often. It's an exciting time in the Adams family! Everyone will be together again next weekend, too, for Cassidy's big birthday celebration.

I can't ever say this enough: I love, love, love my family!!!!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

How adorable! Babies are so delightful...they definitely make you smile!