Thursday, March 12, 2009


I feel like the worst, non-dedicated blogger ever. There have been several things I've wanted to write about for the last week, but I haven't been able to face logging in and writing. My creative energy (and all energy in general) is totally gone by the time I get home from work. I find myself having a love/hate relationship with blogging these days.

I read various blogs whenever they are updated. Most of the blogs I read are those of friends or old roommates. It's wonderful to see pictures and learn more about what they're up to. I get angry when they go more than a day without posting. And then I realize that I, myself, haven't updated in a week. And then I realize that there are just a handful of people who read my blog and probably don't wait around for me to update mine like I wait around for them to update theirs. And then sometimes I want to give it all up, kind of like I've given up TV.

But then I also remember that I mostly write on my blog for my own record because, I'll be honest, my regular journal hasn't been touched for nearly 2 years. If anything, I can record my daily events here to re-read at a later date to remember how great my life is. I have already done this on several occasions and it has been a treat to revisit some of my most special memories.

So, I'll keep trucking along with updated my own blog while I wait anxiously for you to update yours.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Well, here's another blog you can add to your list. I'm at You inspire me. Don't feel too badly. I just barely created my own spot on the wonderful world wide web and have only three blogs. (And no pictures yet.) Glad you had such a nice time with your roommate.