Saturday, March 07, 2009

one month

We're almost at the one-month mark of my April 8 due date. There has been lots of debate between family, friends, and even my students as to what gender Baby H is. (I even asked my nephew, Cash, if he knew but his only reply was a little squeak, which I couldn't interpret as either boy or girl.)

So, if you want to be in on the unofficial tally, take a look at the poll on the left side of my blog. Votes close in one week!

For the record:
-From day one I thought I was carrying a boy. Ben has just assumed it's a boy, too, because he can't picture himself being a daddy to a little girl.
-Other family have said they also thought baby is a boy all along, but have moments where they also think girl.
-My mother-in-law was so bold in her thoughts as to give us two darling baby girl dresses at the shower last week--we know her vote!
-A weird teacher at school says "You're carrying it like a girl."
-My great aunt Janice claims because my face isn't fat and I haven't gained weight in my hips baby's a girl."
-Recently, both Ben and I have had dreams of a baby girl...though Ben had a baby boy dream a few nights ago.
-At this point, I'm completely stumped. It's going to be a true surprise for me either way. I'm excited about that!


WMAdamzzzz said...

Why on earth would anyone cover up the door and window? That seems like a really lame way to "decorate"? Good thing you have relatives who are handy with construction and tools. My dad gave me a drill set years ago--for the longest time I thought it was a special kind of hair dryer.

Love ya


Rachel Sue said...

When she says you're carrying it like a girl she means that girls are supposedly carried higher up and boys are lower. It was true for me, but it doesn't work for everyone.