Here are some other events from the week:
Mommy and Erich napped together on the couch and daddy took a picture! Erich's doing a pretty good job at sleeping at night and a little during the day. He's getting up just about every three hours to eat during the night and sleeps on and off during the day, in between feedings, while I try to get stuff done. He's sleeping in his crib wrapped up in his little baby straight jacket, kinda like a burrito, but it's the only way he'll sleep without waking himself up with his flailing arms and wiggling legs.

Erich has been helping me get my homework done. Ok, so not really, but he sits with me as I try to concentrate. We worked out a system...he likes sitting on my lap and I think he likes the sound of typing as I type up my assignments.
Yesterday, we made a big voyage down to Hinckley, Utah (near Delta) for cousin Dawson's baby blessing and to attend my sister-in-law's sister's wedding reception. Erich slept the entire way down (about 2 1/2 hours) and did great with all the action going on around him once we got there. Here he is chillin' on the floor, trying to cool off, in between the blessing and reception.
As always, cute cute pictures. He looks like he's changed much in just 2 weeks. I love that little white outfit.
love ya
I can't believe how quickly they change. He is adorable! Glad you'e posting. Keep them coming!
He is so cute Lauren. Hope you are having fun with him.
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