Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a few gems

Poor little Erich has had a tummy ache for a couple days and is cranky as all get out. Hey, mom-readers--any ways to combat a tummy ache/constipation???

I took a few pictures this morning after we woke up. I think there are a few gems here for grandpa Mike:

He already loves TV. I even put it on Reading Rainbow, so it was educational.

Just cute!

Enthralled with Levar Burton reading a book...

"Enough pictures, mom!"

Just a few more days. We have had our little "You must be a smiley, happy boy for grandpa Mike this weekend or else..." talk a few times already & I hope to have the cranky days behind us by Friday!!


WMAdamzzzz said...

A true Adams child--loving TV already--I sure hope he feels better soon. Im excited for Friday!

Rachael said...

Your blogs and pictures make me smile :)

Karilyn said...


I enjoy reading your blog, it's neat to see your little guy and know that in a couple of years he and Liam are going to be chasing each other all around the place...

About the tummy ache - how about some diluted juice to combat the constipation? (not too much juice, he's pretty young still, but diluted would do the job~) I don't know, maybe they've changed things over the past 16 years...

Love the pictures!

Tara said...

What a cute boy!

As for the tummy ache/constipation. Move his legs in a bicycle motion and then push his knees into his tummy and out again (repeat both over and over again)...this may provide some relief and hopefully get things moving along inside as well. :) It worked for Graham.

Good luck.

NatBug said...

I agree with Tara, that is what I would do with my boys as well. You might also want to get some Mylicon gas relief drops for infants. It was a lifesaver. I love all of the cute pics that you take, especially the one where he is hiding from the camera, too cute!