Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my very own flower bed

My husband is majoring in horticulture & landscape design. He is completely and utterly obsessed with all things plants/trees/shrubs/flowers. You'd think that our yard would be in impeccable shape considering that he works for a nursery (& gets a pretty sweet discount) but 'twas not so until this week.

If you've followed this blog, you might recall that last year, I returned from a little trip to find that sweet hubby had (with lots of help) laid down sod. This was the first improvement to the exterior of our little fixer-upper.

We didn't do much with the yard after that. Between winter and snow and Ben's insanely busy school & work schedule and oh, yeah, a pregnancy and now, a new baby...there just wasn't time. But now, we're kind of figuring out our new lives, Ben's schooling has gone from 5 classes to just 2 and we had some rare "spare" time on Monday, while Erich 1)slept and 2)sat happily in the swing.

I was totally shocked when Ben asked if I wanted to pick out some flowers to plant in a little dirt strip in front of our patio. Completely shocked. He's a little OCD when it comes to thinks like in, he'd spend TONS of time measuring with a ruler or string to get the flowers exactly equal distances apart from each other. I enjoy seeing the fruits of my labor with things like this, so I obliged and we headed to his work to pick out flowers.

The above picture is of me and my finished project. Now, the lawn is mowed, we have a little color, and Ben also planted some roses in the bed next to mine. It's fun to pull into the driveway and see that our yard is looking halfway I just wish the neighbors would get with it!!!


Megan said...

I didn't know that is what Ben was doing! Fun, fun! I don't know if you remember, but I got that same degree. I just wish I could be using it. I have lived in rented apartments for the past 5 years, and have to enjoy indoor gardening. Oh well, some day, right?

NatBug said...

Lauren, your flowers look great! John loves all things plants as well, he is OCD about it too! At least this year I got to pick out some of the flowers!!!

Toby and Tammy said...

Love your flowers! How great must it be to have a beautiful yard. Someday. :)