Four weeks ago early in the morning, Erich was born. Technically, he'll really be 1 month old on Tuesday, but, let's face it: chances of me having a spare moment to post anything on Tuesday are slim, so instead of going to bed now like I should, I'm posting a couple days early.
Here's a little bit of what Erich (and I) have been up to during his first month:
I can hardly believe that Erich's been with us for a month! It's gone by super fast yet super slow at the same time. By fast I mean: I only have three more weeks until I return to work (yikes! on so many levels). By slow I mean: I live three-four hours at a time; that's the time in between feedings in a 24 hour period and that gets very monotonous.
His hair is still there, though it looks like it's falling out because his head is getting bigger. He has a long little tail going on in the back. I don't know that I have the heart to cut it any time soon. That is usually what people comment about when they first see him.
We spend a little bit of time each day on our tummy's, working on head/neck/back strength. Erich is starting to like it more and more and can lift his head up for a few seconds at a time.
He spends a fair amount of time chillin' in my lap while I do homework. Either there or in his swing or bouncer or on the floor. I like to think of it as his way of helping me get my homework done. Though, now that I think about it, he's kind of like that cute kid I used to see all the time at the library in college that distracted me from getting anything done....
His dad will kill me for posting this picture: We went to a baby shower for Ben's cousin who is having a baby girl sometime this month. Someone suggested I throw this darling yellow dress over Erich while he slept in his car seat before we left. I think he's cute no matter what, but doesn't he make a cute girl?!?!?
And now for our BIG exciting event of the weekend! I'll set this up only by saying that the movie clip is a tad long..I'm not one for trying to edit...but it's especially worth it at 00:57 seconds (you'll hear a cute little coo coming from my little man) and at the very end (where he does a little trick for the third time today), so stick with it. And don't mind our casual banter in the background; we were at a visit at Erich's grandma and grandpa Hubert's house.
He ROLLED OVER!! I put him on his tummy when we got there and right away, he rolled over. I thought, again, this was kind of an accident, but put him back on his tummy and, what do you know? He rolled over again! So I finally grabbed my camera to try to capture the moment on film. It took a little longer than the other two times, but he did it! I couldn't be prouder :) (Seriuosly, I think I've watched that clip about 5 times in the last 20 minutes).
3 days ago
If you think the last month has flown by just wait. One day you'll turn around and he'll be 5. Trust me.
...or you will look around and he will be 14! Although I hope he will keep this video to show everyone what his parents put him through! Really, so cute. But no to the dress!
Such a cute baby! Can't believe that he will be one month old soon. You guys look great and that video is adorable.
Omg how adorable! I cheered him on with every "almost" roll. What a smarty pants :)
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