This is Erich today at the pediatrician's office. He was all smiles and full of stories while we waited to see Dr. N. The smiles didn't last forever, though, since shortly after this picture was taken, he got 3 shots! Boy, did he SCREAM!!!
His 2 month stats:
--Weight: 11lbs, 2 oz. (33%)
--Height: 23.23 inches (58%)
--Head: 15.6 in (35%)
I had a concern about his head because he usually will only lay on his left side and it's getting a little flat spot. So I asked her, she checked it out, and said it looked like torticollis, which basically means his neck muscle is tight so it's hard to turn his head any other way. She showed me a stretch I can do with him and then wants me to take him to a physical therapist for a couple of visits. She says that his head is still ok and will probably be fine with a few physical therapy visits, but that if he did end up needing a helmet to correct the problem, insurance usually only pays for it if the patient had already seen the physical therapist. I'm going to call tomorrow to get him set up.
Otherwise, Dr. N said he looks perfect. She was happy to hear how well he sleeps at night (only gets up one time around 2 or 3), and that he's already rolling over. He was so sweet (before shots!) and showed off his new smile and was full of coos for the doctor.
He slept most of the afternoon after we got home, but when we went to the grocery store when dad got home, he was smily and talking.
6 days ago
One of my kids had the neck thing and I just did tummy time a lot with interesting this only on the one side and did the stretch and everything turned out great. So great I can't remember what kid it was!!!! My kids have all sto`len my brain!~
The flat spot- Liam has a pretty noticeable one on the back of his head because he REFUSES to sleep on his side. :( It makes me feel terrible! I try holding him in a sitting position for the rest of the say to compensate, but it's not working. I definitely need to get that boy a helmet.
I hope Erich's torticollis resolves itself; I had a little trouble with that, with Chloe. The side-laying hold really works! (hold/lay him on the side that his neck muscle isn't tight, I think? it's been a while!)
meant to say rest of the *day, not say. LOL
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