Saturday, June 06, 2009

so long, farewell (or, in other words, the last day of school)

Hooray! Though it really has felt like the first two weeks of school instead of the last for me, yesterday was indeed the blessed last day of school for the 08-09 year. What a crazy year, on many levels!

The faculty celebrated this event by having a fun luau bash as soon as all the darlings had exited the building. My friends and I are on the committee that helped plan the event (though I was absent for most of that process) and we had a great time kicking back for a little while, enjoying GREAT food, and laughing at other weird teachers who we work with.
Here's what I'd look like with perfect black hair and a teeny-tiny waist if I lived in Hawaii.
By far the best part of the last day of school, though, was knowing that when I got home to my little guy (and the big one, too), I wouldn't have to leave him again for nearly three months! We had a good cuddle/nap on the couch until the evening's plans unfolded!!

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