I spent Monday and Tuesday doing major house-cleaning. It feels great to have been so productive! Ben and I rearranged our bedroom on Tuesday; the air vent was covered by our bed and our room gets so hot, we decided to switch our bed around and put a small air conditioning unit in the window. It's a fun new layout; both of us seem to think our room looks bigger now. The good thing is that it's cooler now and easier to sleep throught the night. Here's a few pictures of the big rearranging with the "help" of the puppy:
Wednesday was Dad Hubert's 50th birthday. Ben and I took him mountain biking on the Bonnevile Shoreline Trail. It was HARD! The first part of the ride was a major incline, practically straight up. Unfortunuately, I pushed myself too hard and 1 mile into the ride, I had to take a good 20 minute sit-down break; I was dizy, shakey, and could barely ride. After a good break, we continued down and ended up at my mom's hospital. We bought some sugar, I went in and said hello to my mom, and then we rode back to our car via Ft. Douglas and Research Park. After we finished, we went to Navajo Hogan for Navajo Tacos. Here's Ben and I on the trail, in the background, a good shot of the Salt Lake Valley, perhaps as Brigham Young saw it...minus the buildings, of course.
Later in the evening, we had a big birthday party at a church bowery for Ben's dad. The whole family came and many friends, too. It was an enjoyable evening. Here's a few photos:
This is Ben with his cousin Henry, brothers Jaren and Brandon. Brandon is holding his daughter, Caydie.
Here's Chloe, Brandon's other daughter, working on a Slurpee Ben and I bought her. She mostly got it all over herself, but it was funny watching her facial expressions when she tasted it.
We all sang Happy Birthday with Hellium voices; we blew up a bunch of balloons, stuck them on the tables, and when it was time to sing, we all sucked in hellium and sang our little hearts out! It was hillarious!
Blowing out 50 candles; he used a little extra help from niece, Annabelle, and Ben.
Me and Ben when the party was nearly over. We had a good time helping out with the party and it was fun seeing all the family. This was a long day and we were exhausted when we finally got home.
Tomorrow I'm going to see Les Miserables with my mom and grandma and then on Saturday, it is our first Primary Activity Day!!!!
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