Friday, August 10, 2007

07-08 gradebook-yikes!

I stayed up late last night, just wasting some time on the Internet. I'm usually not one to spend much time on the computer; I typically visit three-four sites over and over: Deseret News, Blogger, and my gmail. Occasionally I look at MSN, friends blogs, and KSL. Last night, though, as I was wasting time, I got to thinking about the upcoming school year. During school, I'm always on one website--our district's grade book online. In this program, you enter grades and attendance and then parents and students can log on to see their grades.

I was nervous that I haven't logged in all summer and wondered if I even remembered my log in and password, so I decided to give it a try. I got the info correct on the first try and promptly wrote it down in case I were to truly forget.

I wasn't expecting to see anything, no class attendance rolls, etc. But, I was shocked when already uploaded on my grade book program was my schedule and class attendance for the upcoming school year. I hurried to grab my yearbook to look at the pictures of my future 8th graders. This year, as I've already mentioned, I will have a prep period (YAY!...minus the whole money thing), which is 5th period (perfect!). My journalism and yearbook classes are full with about 35 students in each (yeah, I have no idea how I'm gonna keep them all busy!). I have 4 periods of 8th Grade English...all with about 40 students, much bigger than last year. My advisory is mostly the same students as last year, but a few new ones have been added.

Seeing all of this information kind of gave me the jitteries in my tummy; school starts so soon!! It was also fun to put faces to these names, something I couldn't do last year. Again, I have lots of Hispanic students, a few Pacific Islanders, Bosnians, and yes, even a couple Caucasians.

I've had an earache all's getting worse and worse as the day goes on. I was at Grandpa/Grandma Witt's for the most part of the day watching S, J, and J. I've just finished cleaning my house (it looks great!), I'm in the process of doing laundry--desperately need clothes! Tonight I'm going to see "Hairspray" with my mom. Super excited.

Here is a link to my Picasa Photo album, if you're interested:

ps...I hope this font is easier to read than yesterdays.

pps...that is a picture of me as a Simpson's character...I guess


Melanie said...

ouch, Lou! Hope your earache goes away in a flash! How lucky that all of those students get you as their teacher! They are in for a real treat! That's awesome that the yearbook/journalism classes are so popular! You're amazing! love, quinn
p.s. write in about how you like "Hairspray" ... I'm dying to see it!

Anonymous said...

That Simpson thing doesn't work too well with everyone--and anyone I've done it for doesn't seem to think it looks much like them..just kind of a facsimile, I guess.
Sounds like you will have a busy school year--hope it doesn;t wear you out..
Love ya