I got a phone call on my birthday (well, actually I got lots, but...) from American Red Cross stating that they desperately need my blood (O positive) and could I come in soon for a donation. It had been almost a year since my last visit and, like always, they really needed my blood.
I was feeling generous and accepted the appointment for today at 2:30. The lady on the other end of the phone reminded me to drink lots of water and eat a good meal before coming in. She also went on and on about a contest they're doing where you sign up to win a new Saturn and then you can take a voucher to the dealership to get--gasp!--a $20 gas card! That obviously wasn't the tipping point for me to agree to come, but they sure seem to think it's a deal maker!
Anywho, I woke up this morning and ate a breakfast of eggs and toast. Then, while I was working on homework and cleaning around the house, I drank water like I've never drank before. I'm always so scared that I'm not going to drink enough, so I ended up drinking 4 water bottles of water--all before 2 o'clock. Needless to say, I was peeing like a pregnant woman ever hour! It was ridiculous!
I left my house at about 1 to run some errands and stop to get some chicken nuggets at McDonald's for a little protein. I arrived at the donation center at 2 and decided I had to pee so bad, so I went in even though I was so early, just to use the facilities.
They got me right in and then they do all the preliminary stuff where you answer a bunch of questions, they prick your finger to make sure you're not anemic, take your BP (mine was a little low), and heart rate, and then make you sit and wait some more.
I remember once I donated and almost passed out. And I hate needles. So I never really look forward to donating. This time I tried to be calm and not freak out at a little needle.
The phlebotomist (sp?) that stuck me did a great job and it barely hurt at all!! I filled up the bag in 7 minutes and then got one of those really cool bandages, in red. And then my favorite part at the end where they give you juice and cookies to replenish you before you go.
I came home and started working on some projects, Ben and I ran to the store (again!), and at about 8 o'clock I started getting light headed. Mostly because I hadn't eaten anything since my apple juice and Lorna Doon cookies. And then Ben made me sit down because I was pale. And then he made me food. Pretty funny.
In other news, we got a cat. Kind of. It's leaving tomorrow morning, so I suppose we just invited him over for a sleepover. A lady at Ben's work was giving them away and since I've been 'begging' to get a cat, Ben brought the little orange cat home. I named him Truman (after, who else? Mr. Capote himself!).

We instantly tried to get Zeus and Truman acquainted by letting them sniff each other, but that, it turns out, was a big mistake. Truman began hissing and growling and Zeus jumped and barked. I held Truman while Ben held Zeus and we just sat there letting them look at each other. At this point I realized Truman still had claws. He's just about 9 weeks old.
I decided I really don't have the energy or time to dedicate to one more animal (one more mess, one more thing to train, one more thing to worry about, etc.), so I told Ben that I didn't think we should keep him. Since he never wanted a cat, he was ok with that and we resolved that he would take Truman back to the lady at work tomorrow. And it looks like Zeus is going to be an only-animal for a long time.
Speaking of Truman, I wanted to thank my dad for sending me The Complete Stories of Truman Capote for my birthday. I'm just finishing up another book (look for the review on my book blog by the end of the week!) and then I will dive into these stories. I'm SO excited!!
And lastly, tonight, I'll just say that Summer Vacation is treating Mrs. Hubert very well. I. Love. Summer. Vacation. Can I just say that today I did my homework (reading the book) outside, sitting in a lounge chair, soaking up the sun, and watching the dog prance around the yard. Nothing beats that!!!
And, PS, Dad: I'll try to post more since I have SO much time on my hands!!! :)
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