After a couple really lazy and unproductive days earlier this week, I decided that if I were ever going to get anything done this summer, I really needed to write things down and then cross them off as they were completed. I've found much satisfaction in these To-Do lists and find this really silly.
I have written my To-Do lists each night for the following day and have tried really hard to get everything on those lists done before I do anything else. Today was much more successful than yesterday and I feel fantastic about the fact that I actually was able to cross every single thing off my list by 3pm today!
Summer break lends itself to a bit more time than I ever have during the school year; I actually have time to do a deep cleaning, enjoy books like never before, and walk to the post office instead of drive. Because of this time, I still am busy, but I can kind of control the pace that I accomplish things. For example, instead of being forced to wait until Friday or Saturday to work on my homework, I've been working for at least one hour each day to finish up the paper. Also, I've been able to really take notice of our house and see what really needs attention--the bathroom, refrigerator, and my office--and listed a prioritized list of what needs attention first.
I'm sure loving this time now but I know by mid-August I'll be ready to return to teaching and dedicating some more time to the students. Though sometimes I kind of feel guilty because of this 3 month long perk of my job, I also realize that teachers work really super hard during the school year and the break is needed to rejuvenate us. On the other hand, I know other non-teaching working people (moms included!) don't get the perk of a 3 month hiatus. So, for this I'm grateful and appreciative. I give kudos to those of you who don't have a 3 month vacation.
Here's a big, long-term To-Do list for my summer break:
- Organize pictures and get up-to-date on my scrapbooks.
- Write a Journalism curriculum, worksheets, and find a newspaper printing company.
- Learn how to sew and sew lots! (And just generally be more crafty!)
- Help demolish, design, and remodel the bathroom and guest bedroom. (And if Ben will let me, help with the yard remodel!)
- Read loads and loads.
- Go riding/mt. biking at least once a week.
- Take a ballet class.
- Pass Hard level on Guitar Hero.
- Play with family and friends lots!
- Dedicate some more time to Primary...and strive to really enjoy the calling and learn from it.
- And lots of other little things like homework, cleaning, laundry, cooking, walking the dog, etc.
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