Today we got some tragic news. My brother Eric accidentally ran over his dog, Sierra, when she was under his trailer (after he thought she'd moved out of the way). It broke her leg and jaw, so Eric made the hard decision to put her down. Sweet Sierra. (A scrapbook page picture of Sierra and my cat, Scout, is above)
Sierra came to our family as a teeny tiny cute black lab puppy when I was in 9th grade. My brothers mostly took care of her and we all agreed on the name Sierra after mom saw it in the Stake Directory. I soon became annoyed by her mostly because she ate my flip-flops...more than once...and vowed: "I'll never have a dog!" Oh, how things (like the person you marry) change your mind!
She went with Eric to Dinosaur, Colorado; Vernal, Utah; Rock Springs, Wyoming...and now she's in doggy heaven. When my mom told me, I honest to goodness got tears in my eyes.
I never thought I'd say this...but...I'll miss Sierra.
In other news...I'm going camping with my family this weekend in Wyoming, apparently in the middle of no where. We're going to do a float trip down the river by Flaming Gorge, which will be fun. I'm mostly just excited to 1) Get out the hot and polluted valley, and 2) Spend time with my fam.
Sadly, Ben decided not to go and has plans to work in our yard, which makes him very excited. I made him a fun 4th of July goody bag for when I'm gone. I bought him a bunch of red, white, and blue stuff, including two t-shirts he desperately needed, some treats, and a pin-wheel he can put in the lawn.
Oh! And...great news...the mouse has been caught and disposed of. I checked the trap yesterday morning and saw the little mouse deflated on the trap. I put on some disposable rubber gloves and picked him up (YES! I picked up the freakin' mouse!) and put him in the garbage. I felt kinda bad looking at him all squashed, but feel much more at peace with at least one less tiny creature roaming our house.
Happy 4th of July to everyone! Have a safe and patriotic weekend! Oh, and most importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mommy!!!
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