Friday, August 01, 2008

now for members only

Well, I've finally decided to make my blog private. Recently I added a visitor tracker, which tells me how many people visit the blog, where they're from, and how long they stay. It's kinda crazy to think people from literally ALL over have seen my pictures and read my stores. Thus, I'm asking anyone who reads my blog (I think about, oh, 4 of you) to comment me with your e-mail address or e-mail me ( so I can send you an invite. If you by chance read my blog and have never let me know, those lurkers...just let me know. I'm going to wait for a week or so until I make my private blog official. Thanks!!!


Anonymous said...

2 weeks until school starts? What happened to the summer? I realized today was August 1st and I was shocked, I tell ya!
But it looks like you have have some fun this year...of course, I've said this once and I'll say it again, no one is more photogenic than you.
I think it's a good idea to make your blog sure to include me.
I was at work today about 4pm and my manager came over to talk to the girl who sat kitty corner from me, Becca. The manager asked her to log out of her phone and they walked away. About 30 seconds later, another manager came over and started packing up her desk, toys, calendars, etc, putting them in a couple of boxes. Neither of them said anything to us, which they don't have to, but it sort of shocked everyone. We were all trying to guess what happened but still no answer.
I'm sending an email too,

Love ya


kris said...

hey Lauren..hope you don't think I have been stalking you!!!

Rachel Sue said...

I would love to keep reading your blog. . . if you don't mind!

Adrienne said...

I want an invite!!! That's a good idea, actually...

jeffandlorraine said...

I love your blog!!!

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

of course I read it!

SNSsoup said...

I'm not a blog lurker, just an old roomie who loves to read your posts. please add me to your invitation list for your private blog. Thanks- Steph

Jen Lee said...

hi! so i'm really good friends with your brother in law Jaren, we dated a bunch in high school, and i was wondering if i could get his mission address from you! i've been searching for it everywhere since he left! if i could, it would be greatly appreciated!! thanks!
jenn lee