Wow. I'm being really lazing about posting. Sorry to all (all two of you, that is) of my readers.
Life's been...utterly chaotic. School, work, church and more. And the crazy thing, none of it is really all that blog-worthy. Just a bunch of random happenings, and here they are in no random order.
I will say that I've become quiet infatuated with the election. I'm not political at all and a lot of the jargon that gets thrown around confuses me, but I nearly peed myself when I saw the Sarah Palin/Hilary Clinton SNL skit. If you haven't seen it, Google it and watch the WHOLE thing.
Another random thing: I went to dinner with my best friend last week. While I was waiting for her, I looked inside the recent issue of People magazine. There was a story about the mom from Utah who recently won the first 1million dollar prize from Deal or No Deal. As I skimmed the story, I noticed that they wrote that she was from "Sandee, Utah." Uh. Last time I checked, it was Sandy, but what am I?...definitely not a fancy-smancy editor, just a girl from Sandy who was befuddled at the mistake.
Work has been going fairly well. So far I genuinely like all of my students. I've had to make some adjustments with each period as far as rules go. For example, I love 6th period to death--they are all really fun. However, their adjusted rule is that they can't talk, at all, until and unless I say it's ok to do so. The problem we were having was that, well, they just talked all the time...when I was talking or not. Today they did much better and after taking away quizes because students were talking, they really understood I meant business. It is also quite funny how each class has it's own personality and I can pretty much predict how they'll react to the daily agenda: wheather they'll roll their eyes at my jokes or do the work without complaint.
The yearbook staff took a whole ONE day to brainstorm, agree, and decide on a theme. It was crazy because for the first time, there were no fights and everyone seems genuinely content. We were also able to work out some cover ideas, with the help of our yearbook rep. I'm thrilled with their enthusiasm and can't wait to get them all started.
My master's program is super crazy this semester. I am enrolled in a linguistics class and it's HARD and total information overload. Luckily, one of my fellow teachers and friend is doing the same thing, so we're trying to get together to work on this week's bear of an assignment. It is only the third week of this course and I'm already over it...meaning, it's going to be a long 5 weeks!!!
I found out that I'm going to be an aunt to a nephew! My sis-in-law, Heather, is expecting a boy. I'm so excited! We haven't gotten the official word on what my other sis-in-law is expecting, but I think we'll find out soon. My other sis-in-law, Meaghan, is due with her baby boy any time. We had a fun family BBQ/shower for her on Saturday. She's super fun and I am really happy that after two darling girlies, she'll get a boy! So many babies this year!
I suppose that's about it for this random post. Hopefully soon I will have some more exciting things to post about...with pictures!
6 days ago
1 comment:
yay i finally found your blog and added it to my favorites!!! you still need to help me start one. how is everything going?? and i mean EVERYTHING!!!
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