For the first time in a while, I didn't have to go anywhere today. I still had lots to do, but no one was expecting me to show up to any Primary related activity (that was last night), family function, or other organized activity. It's 5pm and I'm still, yes still, in my pj's!! It is the BEST feeling!!
Last night, as I mentioned before, was a Primary related activity. We try to do a Primary board appreciation once a quarter where we have a party or get together for all of the adults involved in Primary, Cub scouts, and Activity girls.
In the summer we had this great idea to do a progressive dinner where each member of the presidency took a portion of the meal and we progressed from one house to another for dinner. We'd planned the menu, advertised, and handed out invites. After receiving only 5 100% for sure confirmations, we decided not to put ourselves through the big production and resolved to take those who showed out to dinner.
All 15 of us (with spouses where possible) went to Johnny Carino's, an Italian place near our house. We had a good time and the only stressful part of the night was actually just getting in! It was nice not to have to cook anything or set anything up.
After dinner, Ben and I went to see "Ghost Town" with my Primary Secretary and her husband. It was a pretty good movie with some really funny parts.
Today I had major homework. For this week's assignment in my linguistics class I had to create a PowerPoint outlining the essentials in English phonetics. It took much longer than I thought--nearly 5 hours--and I almost feel like I rushed through it. In addition to the 15-25 slide PowerPoint, I also had to write a 2-4 page paper explaining why it is important for teachers of all content areas to know linguistics and phonetics. I finally finished--after a few breaks and a power nap.
The next thing I had to do today was finish my Sharing Time for tomorrow. I kind of outlined it in my head during the week, but waited until today to really put things together. It didn't take as long as I thought and I feel pretty good about it.
I should also be working on posting my student's mid-term grades while I have some extra time. Technically they don't have to be posted until Tuesday, but it's always nice to have them done early. We have Parent Teacher Conferences next Wednesday and Thursday, which goes hand-in-hand with the mid-term reports. I am caught up with grading and feel really good about my student's grades this far into the quarter. So far they are all (mostly) doing really well. And as with all PTC, the best thing is that we get Friday off as a compensatory day. I always look forward to those!
Another thing that is consuming my every spare thought is the surprise birthday party I'm having for Ben tomorrow (no worries, readers, he never looks at my blog, so I'm not worried about spilling the beans early...). It's at the Hubert's house and I'm sure all will go off without a hitch, but it's just the anticipation and excitement leading up to it. I still need to work on a cake, but I'll have to try to be sly about making it so big. Ben assumes we are going to dinner at his parents, just me and him. I'm sure I'll have pictures and such to post from the big party!
I just heard from my mom who told me that my other sister-in-law, Hilary, and brother Zach found out today that they are expecting a BOY! That's two new baby boy Adams' in the year 2009. I'm not sure how Cassidy is going to react to a) all the attention going from her to the babes and b)having a boy in the house! (She is a big fan of He-Man toys and movies, though, so maybe the boy toys will be a pleasant change!!) Mom said that Zach can hardly contain his excitement, which is neat coming from the guy who never shows much emotion either way (except for when it comes to the Chicago Bears). I'm supper happy for them!!!
I suppose it's time to get in the shower, get ready for the...night? and go do something a little more exciting that homework and sharing time. I think Ben might enjoy seeing me out of my pj's for a little bit tonight!
6 days ago
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