Sunday, September 21, 2008

longest 12 weeks

Have you ever kept a secret so long, it almost starts to eat at you and consume your every thought?

Well I have. I've been keeping a secret for about 12 weeks. It has been the hardest thing not to blog about!! All those times when I've said I didn't really have anything exciting to post, I really did.

My secret????

.This is my baby! Inside of me!

Ben and I are happy to FINALLY announce that we are expecting our first babe. We found out on August 3 with a home pregnancy test. Then, since I still couldn't believe it, 3 pregnancy tests later I was almost convinced.

After feeling crummy, ie my gag reflex was in full swing, super tired, and nauseous, I was a little more convinced.

Our first doctor's appointment was Wednesday. We saw our little peanut (now the size of a small lemon) moving all over the place, doing a little "hello mommy and daddy!" dance AND the little fluttering heartbeat. The doctor said, "Yup, you're for sure 100% pregnant!"

And then I was finally really convinced! It took me that long!

We pulled off the ultimate surprise party for Ben (yup, he knew all along, even helped me make the cake today!). We showed up at his parents house tonight and everyone yelled "Surprise!" Little did they know, we had another surprise.

I set this cake on the table inside (everyone was outside) and then a few minutes later, my father-in-law peeks his head out of the door and says, "You'll all probably want to come see this cake," after which a few people came in. Here's what they saw:It says: "Happy Birthday Daddy..." and has the picture of our ultrasound with a cute profile picture of the baby.

It was great to see everyone's mom's especially! She was totally shocked!

We feel really excited that we were really able to surprise our family with this. We are SO excited that the secret's finally out.

The baby is due April 8. I'll be done with the 1st trimester on Wednesday, which I'm really happy about. We've decided that we aren't going to find out the sex of the baby until he/she is born, but I already feel like it's a boy. My next appointment is October 13 and hopefully we'll have nothing but more good news to report!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you!! I'm sure you know that! So why are there tears in my eyes? Tears of Happiness I am sure

Love you so much


sadie said...

words cannot express how excited i am for you and ben!! you will be the most darling parents and i can't wait to meet your little bundle!!! blog often throughout your pregnancy - it will be so fun to read later on. love you tons

Aubrey Leong said...

Congrats Lauren. I'm so happy for you and Ben!!

jeffandlorraine said...

LAUREN!!! I am soooooo excited for you! And I love that you aren't going to find out if its a boy or a girl...we did that with McKinlee and it was so much fun!!! Seriously, I'm so happy for you and Ben!

Darcy said...

Congrats!!!! This is so exciting!!! I have been waiting for this day to come! Keep us posted on how things are going. How you kept in touch with megan at all?

Toby and Tammy said...

Whahoo!!!!!! YEA!!!!!
We are SO excited for you. I got the chills as I was reading your blog. How fun and wonderful! Keep us posted--Congrats!

Rachel Sue said...

Congrats! And I totally know how you feel. This last pregnancy I took 4 tests and still wasn't convinced till I heard the heartbeat. And what a fun way to tell your family! Congrats again!

Unknown said...

I knew it! I really, really did! Looks like you're about 4 weeks behind Kim (weird that my little sister is having a baby...)

On another note, we should meet up this weekend, maybe brunch or something on Saturday? I'll call you, it's a really short trip (my mom's fault, not mine).

Last, tag, you're it!

Meggie said...

I knew something exciting had to happen on my birthday! Even if it wasn't happening to me- lol! (Aug 3)

A huge CONGRATS, and I'm still sad that I wasn't able to make it to the party :( I was strapped up to various monitors and machines at the time.. lame, I know.

So you have a feeling it's a boy? I knew Caydi was a girl, and I "knew" Liam was a girl as well. Hah.. I think I was just in denial because I thought I'd never have a son. I never had the patience for a surprise baby, but I know it will be super special for you to hear those words "It's a ____" when the baby is born!

I know comments are supposed to be short, and I've probably surpassed the limit. Hehe! Ok ok, end of novel-