Sunday, September 28, 2008

a few things about pregnancy

I've had a really good long weekend. As always, they go by way too fast and Sunday night seems to always zoom by. None-the-less, I'm looking forward to a new week, especially because this week also happens to include PAY DAY and we haven't been grocery shopping in way too long!!!

Last week I was feeling really good pregnancy symptom wise. This weekend I kind of took a turn down hill. I don't want to turn this blog into a total pregnancy journal, but because this is pretty much my only journal, I wanted to write about some of my experiences of being pregnant. If you don't care, just stop reading!

* The only thing that seems to make me sick (or almost sick) is weird textures. Ben made meatloaf and mashed potatoes on Friday, which initially sounded excellent (I think I crave ground beef?). Bless his heart, he's running out of things I can actually stomach. Anyway, as I'm eating the meatloaf, the texture of the meat became almost too much. I'd choked down a few bites, drenched in ketchup, and on this one particular swallow, it just wouldn't go down. So I had to dispose of it from my mouth into the garbage can. Another texture that I've found to be difficult to handle is any sort of creamy substance. I was eating a lovely fruit tart yesterday and the parts of the tart where there was no fruit, I had to gag down the cream filling.
* I *think* I'm feeling baby movements. Some books have said mom's can feel movements this early, but that first time moms usually have no idea what it actually feels like. For me it's a little flutter--almost like a whole bunch of butterflies--usually when I'm walking or standing. Who knows, it could just be gas! I do know that I feel my uterus stretching. And I do know that if I stand too long, my back becomes sore (which is difficult considering my profession!). Hopefully the baby movement starts to be more exagerated soon so I definitely know that's what I'm feeling.
* Even though I'm at the very beginning of my 2nd trimester, I'm even more exahusted than the early weeks of my 1st. If I allowed myself, I could come home from work, lay on the couch, sleep until dinner, go back to sleep until bed time, and sleep through the night (minus the early morning trips to the bathroom). After I went to lunch with a dear friend who is visiting from AZ yesterday, I went back to my moms, took a little nap, and then we went bumming around and then to the RS broadcast. I could have kept sleeping. Today after church, after eating lunch, I fell asleep in the couch for almost 2 hours.
* I do have the tiniest of a baby belly beginning to pop, but nothing big enough to know I was pregnant if you saw me on the street. I will start taking belly pictures (you know, for posterity sake, since they'll totally care!) this week when, on Wednesday, I reach the 13 week mark.

* I can cry at the drop of a hat. Or, at least, at a really cheesy commercial OR for no apparent reason during church. I'm weepy but I don't know why, just emotional pregnancy hormones. Again, bless Ben's heart, he's so good to try to calm me down even when I have no idea why I'm crying. I cried during Thursday's ER. I cry at sappy commercials. I cry during my lunch period when I can't figure out what the world I'm going to teach the next day.

I found a really fun website that tells how big the baby is each week compared to a fruit. I currently have a plum sized baby inside of me. Here's the link if you're interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would be disappointed if you didn't make this a pregnancy blog:) I think it will be so cool in a few years when your child wants to hear the story of you being pregnant with him/her. Or maybe they won't but it will always be something you can look back on.
You being all emotional so reminds of your mom--she could and did cry when someone won a fridge on Price Is Right and things like that. She probably has also told you about the 3-4 months after giving birth--I think maybe it was worse on me but she was pretty wacky!

Love you lots