Friday, September 26, 2008

ptc recap

If there's one thing I love about parent teacher conferences, it's the chance I have to see where my students come from, literally. I had a total of 76 visits between the two nights of PTC and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the strange, strange parents of some of my students for the mere fact that now I really understand why my students are the way they are.

Some students are perfect little identical mini-versions of their parents, some with the same poor hygeine. Some students look like they are really trying to be different than their parents (some with good measure). And some students come with their grandparents or and uncle because mom or dad is either a druggy who's in jail or a dead-beat living in another state.

I did have several good experiences with parents who thanked me for being their kids' teacher and even a few who said that their student really loves my class. One parent said of her student, whose only passing grade is in my class, that I must be doing something right with her kid who has been known to repeatedly fail in school. One student came running to my little corner, nearly out of breath. When his parents finally caught up they said that he wanted to come see me first because I was his favorite teacher this year. It was really sweet.

We sit in the gym for PTC in alphabetical order. That means I'm in between a "Hickman" and "James." I don't get to really sit by my "friends," but I suppose that's kind of the point and it doesn't really matter. I had several really funny conversations with "James" who is a math teacher that has kind of driven me crazy before. He was playing his video games and was constantly complaining about being there (not that any of us wanted to be there, but we didn't have a choice!).

The very best thing about PTC is the day off they give the teachers for spending 8 hours away from home during the evening. So, because I lost my afternoon naping time, I really took advantage of sleeping in today. Yesterday I was so drained from the day before that instead of working on anything productive during my prep period, I turned off my lights, hid my head behind my computer screen, set the alarm, and took a little snooze on my desk.

Along with PTC, mid-term report cards were given this week. Crazy to think that we are halfway through 1st quarter. It's gone by fast. When I look at my curriculum map that tells me what I'm supposed to teach each quarter, I freak because I have lots more to teach and not a ton more time!

Of course, I'll be spending most of my day off working on yet another killer assignment for my linguistics class. I got a head start on Wednesday night during PTC because I had a lap top with me and typed the first page of my paper, but it still doesn't make it easier to continue to work on it!!

Here's to a happy day off and even happier weekend!

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