Tuesday, October 07, 2008


It's become habit for me to get on the computer most mornings before I head to work. I'm usually just popping on to check the daily baby calender and see what baby Hubert is up to because, even though the info stays the same throughout the day no matter what I time I check, I just have to know first thing that at this point, my baby is eliminating waste. However, I keep finding myself becoming distracted by visiting the blogs of my friends. When I've visited the majority of the blogs I read regularly, I look at the clock and notice I still have more to do to get ready and not as much time as I probably need.

As I've thought about how to remedy this situation (duh! Just don't turn the computer on until the evening!), I've pondered how my feelings about blogging fluctuate from day to day, post to post, and blog to blog. I have a fairly long history with blogging, longer probably than many of my blogging friends. I started my first blog way back in 2002 on a good old side called Tripod. The layout options were limited to color, I could only sometimes add pictures, and though I joke about it here often, I really do believe my dad and mom were the only one's who ever visited that blog (I think I have a few more readers these days).

As more and more of my old friends, roommates, and fascinating strangers begin to blog, I get sucked into their lives. It's invigorating to read about someone's life when it's so different from my own. From visiting these blogs, I usually find more blogs that suck me in, and I quite honestly find myself being a blog addict. This is very bad because it wastes time!

And so when I ponder my obsession with blogs (hope that doesn't freak any of you out whose blogs I read...), I also ponder going through a Bloggers Anonymous program, much like a 12-step Alcohol program. A term comes to mind--Blurking--which I first heard from my dad, who is all sorts of tech savy. A blurker is one who has an addiciton to checking blogs, even a few times a day! I'm definitely a blurker. I'll admit it with pride because, let's face it, I know I'm not the only one out there!

I suppose my point here is just the first step to my Blurking addiction: admiting I have a problem. My next step in my program is to try to lessen the frequency in which I blurk. I'm making a personal goal to keep my daily blog visits within a 30 minute time period in the evening. I'll let you know how I'm doing. Anyone wanna be my sponser???


Rachel Sue said...

Hello, my name is Rachel and I am a blurker. Now what?

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing as you know but I'm also addicted to about 4-5 car blogs, movie blogs, gossip blogs etc. Makes my time on the computer last a lot longer :)

Darcy said...

Help I have a problem!!!! You just made my night reading this blog. Zach and I were laughing so hard!

A said...

Liked this post a lot! I am/was going through quite similar phase...hopefully I'm done with it! But I don't know, look here I am, a complete stranger, and checking your blog :)