I've had a lot of experiences this week at work that have made me realize (probably for the one thousandth time) that junior high students are just not very observant.
One of my least favorite job descriptors is the fact that I'm in charge of school pictures. From the actual picture day (which I"m sure you read about a few posts ago) to sorting through the ever-so-precious ID cards and handing out purchased for pictures, it's all on my shoulders. I hate this because, well, it's just a pain. The majority of my observations this week revolve around stupid pictures.
The first thing: On picture day, students have the option to give the photographer money in order to purchase their pictures (what a novel concept, right?). Because of our student population, not very many students actually pay for pictures, but there are always a fair ammount whose parents fork out the money to buy the packets.
Well, these pictures--the ones students had to pay for, remember--arrived last week. I decided to have the pictures set up outside of the office yesterday after school for students to pick up. An announcement was made and I arranged to have a few student helpers. I made it down to help and tried to play crown control, directing students on where to stand.
(Now, remember, these pictures were for students who actually bought them. If the student gave no money, there would be no pictures. This is key).
We pass out the pictures, help students stand in a straight line (at 13 years old, this is still a tricky concept). Then, I have a bunch of students who get up to get their pictures. They give me their last name, I look for their pictures. Well, a BUNCH, and I do mean a BIG BUNCH of students become irritated at me when I tell them I don't see their pictures in the bunch. After a few minutes of awkward silence, I ask, "Did you pay for pictures?" and then the student replies, "Oh, no, I didn't know I had to..." OH MY GOSH!!!! Observant, are we?
Another picture related experience: I set up the pictures again during lunch today at the cohersion from adminstration. Fine. Sure. I'll sit down here to distribute pictures during my lunch and prep (don't ever take a pregnant woman's lunch break away from her!). No problem. So, I set up the table, had some more student help. The table was RIGHT in front of the cafeteria. As students walked pass, I yelled "School Pictures!" and had a few sets of picture packets waving in the air. You think this would prompt at least some students to pick up their pictures.
Not so. I think I passed out a grand wopping total of 5 packets during BOTH lunches. And then I hear a bunch of kids, as they leave to go to class, "Oh, I didn't know you were giving away pictures." Again, OH MY GOSH!!!! Observant, are we?
1 week ago
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