We visited the doctor today for a normal prenatal visit. Can I just say, I love my doctor. She's great.
Things went great. I got there under the normal pre-doctor visit stress and anxiety, but when Ben showed up, I felt much, much better. We waited in the waiting room for a bit and then got called back to do the normal weigh-in and blood pressure. The nurse offered a flu shot, so I took her up on the offer knowing that my mom wouldn't want me to pass it up. My arm is a little tender, but I hope it holds up!
When we got in the office, we waited for a bit, but then the doctor came in and was in and out in 10 minutes. The best thing about today's appointment is that 1) I didn't have to get in one of those backless gowns, and 2) We heard the cutest dang heartbeat ever!
Baby Hubert has a good, strong heartbeat, at 147 bpm. Doctor H. said it was perfect and left the doplar on my tummy for quite a while. We heard a bunch of squeaking noises and Dr. H said that was the baby moving around. The orange is moving around! Tender! Ben giggled when he heard it, but now he'll only say, "It just sounded like someone was squishing mud!" I know he was really excited, too, though.
We'll go back in 4 weeks to have the BIG ultrasound where they measure everything and make sure the baby is healthy. We could also find out the gender, but, sorry mom, we won't. Dr. H said we'd get a DVD of that ultrasound. The only time they had an opening was in the morning on Wednesday, so I'll just take a personal day off for my day at the doctors!
And I decided after I posted my 14 week belly picture that maybe it wasn't all baby belly there. I'll post another belly picture again at 16 weeks.
Today I played a review game with my students. They were in teams, earning points. As the final winner-takes-all question, I asked all of my classes (except 4th) "True or False: Mrs. Hubert is going to have a baby in April." And would you believe that of 5 classes, not one actually put true? They all thought I was lying! It took some explaining for them to finally believe me. Most students were very sweet about the announcment. It made for an exciting day!
And I will make that all for pregnancy related news this week.
I'm looking forward to UEA break (Fall break for non Utah readers) this Thursday and Friday. Ben's going camping with the scouts, so I'll probably spend the weekend at my moms. Looking forward to sleeping in and just hanging out!
My week-change day was Wednesday too (as in, going from 14 weeks to 15 weeks, etc). Yay for hearing the heartbeat!
I always have the hardest time picturing a fetus as a food item. An orange is round, and a fetus, well- it's not round. LOL. I'd have a much easier time if they would say "your fetus is the size of a small cucumber with a head"
I remember hearing my sister's baby's heartbeat. She didn't tell me what it was and it just sounded like her cat purring or something. Very cool!
Congratulations on the baby, thats exciting news!! Abbey
Are you SURE you won't want to know what the sex is ? Are you SURE????
Although I guess it might be a nice surprise.
Glad everything is going OK
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