Tuesday, October 07, 2008

another one bites the dust

In the summer I posted about our little visitor, the mouse. We caught that mouse about two days after the initial sighting. I don't know why I thought we'd never get another one!

I was resting on the couch on Friday, just about to fall asleep. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a little furry ball scurry across the floor. Yikes! The dog jumped up, I jumped up and squealed. Then I grabbed the broom, because that's what you do, you know.

I called Ben and demanded the purchase of several mouse traps.

Saturday I was working on some homework in my office and I heard a little scratching noise. I turned around, and do you know what was sitting on my scriptures (yes, my scriptures were on the floor...)? The stupid mouse! Just trying to get some spirtual uplifting via osmosis. I scarred him and he ran into the dining room.

We didn't actually get to the purchasing of the traps until Saturday night right before our friends came over to play games, but we bought a 4-pack and put them in various locations in the house. Ben used a healthy supply of peanut butter, which seemed to work with the other mouse.

On Sunday, Ben checked the traps and the little Book of Mormon loving mouse had managed to eat all of the peanut butter without getting his head snapped by the trap! ALL 4 traps!

He re applied the peanut butter and we contintued to wait.

Yesterday, I came home from work and was trying to straighten up my office (and find a better home for my scriptures). I heard a loud crack coming from my closet, which happened to be one of the trap locations. Ben came in and looked and sure enough, we finally outsmarted the mouse! He was dead instantly. And I feel so good about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you think you inherited this mouse thing from Grandma Ella? Of course, I don't think anyone could be THAT afraid of mice as she is. That's one thing you don't see much of here--roaches and beetles and crickets, yes, but no mice.