Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Husband Tag

I was Husband Tagged by my best pal, Sadie. This is a fun one!

1. Where did you meet?
Not sure of the exact location, but we'll just say East Sandy Elementary School in 1st grade.

2. How long did you date before you were married?
Well, we went on a few dates in high school, but nothing serious. Then I wrote him on his mission and we promptly started dating when he engaged quite quickly. Then he was called to Iraq for a while, which caused us to have to longest Mormon engagement ever...then we were married shortly after he came home. So, in short, 2 years?

3. How long have you been married?
Oh, my gosh. 5 years in January.

4. What does he do to surprise you?
He used to do a ton!! He does fun small things like bring flowers for no reasons or makes me cover my eyes when we are driving to dinner so I won't know where we're going. He'll do laundry and clean, sometimes too, which is surprising!

5. What is your favorite feature of his?
Love his eyes. Love his little crooked lip. Love his face in general, I think.

6.What is your favorite quality of his?
He does all that he can so I have no worries in the world. He takes care of stuff around the house that I would stress about. He totally takes care of me and would do anything to make sure I was happy. He also makes me laugh. Really hard. Every single day.

7. Does he have a nickname for you?
Sometimes. He'll call me "sweetums" or "wifey." Sometimes he'll call me "Lou," or "Waunen" (a spinoff of my name and how one of our little cousins used to say my name)

8. What is his favorite color?
Black. If the whole house--inside and out--were black, he'd be happy. He also likes because of the U.

9. What is his favorite food?
This is hard. He likes SO much. Probably nothing I cook...hahaha.

10. What is his favorite sport?
He doesn't play a lot sports, but he likes to watch football when the Seahawks are playing. He plays golf occasionally and also enjoys skiing.

11. When and Where was your first kiss?
Oh man. Three or four days after he came home from his mission, he drove to Rexburg to pick me up for the weekend. We were at his house in the basement "watching a movie," with the fire on. We started teasing each other about kissing and he didn't believe me when I said I'd kiss him first. And I did. Totally right there on his parent's couch. So not a typical Lauren thing to do. He claims this isn't how it happened, but I have one of those memories! How could a girl not remember she was the first one to kiss her future husband?!?!?!

12. What do you like to do together?
When we're actually together...we like to watch movies or play Guitar Hero. We like to go camping, boating, and biking. We walk the dog together sometimes. Sometimes we just like cuddling or hanging out doing nothing.

13. Do you have any children?
In 6 months we will. We do have a dog who could be considered our toddler.

14. Does he have a hidden talent?
Loads. Some talents like playing piano (he's amazing) and knowledge of trees and plants, people know about. Other things like that he's a really good cook, a decent singer, and a comedian are things maybe not many people know.

15. Who said I love you first?
I think he did. I think he wrote it in a letter right before he came home from his mission. In person, I think he did, too. I said it right after.

16. What is his favorite type of music?
He likes Billy Joel, Dave Matthews Band, and lots of rock, old and new.

17. What do you admire most about him?
He never worries. I know he gets stressed with things but he'll never let me see him worry. He's really patient with me and all my worries.

18. Do you think he will read this?
I'll send him a link!!

I tag anyone who hasn't already done this!


Meggie said...

How cute, my first kiss with Brandon was also in his parent's basement while "watching a movie" LOL. (There must be something magical about that place.. jk!)

Bonsai Ben said...

OK, this whole blog spot was a load of balogna, you never kissed me first. and i love how you say that everything is you too. it makes me feel good that you love me so much.

Teandra said...

2 years!? That is a long engagement. Nice job, you're a trooper.