Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm proud of myself today for two reasons. Despite the fact that my throat burns like a fresh rug burn, my head is pounding, and I can barely speak, I'm still very proud!!!

The first reason I'm proud of myself today is that I went and voted early after work. I was worried the line would be long and so I brought my book along to keep me company. I only had to wait in line for about 30-40 minutes and it was quite painless. The funny thing is that this is the first time I've really voted at a polling station. Ben and I both did absentee votes last time. This guy in line behind me said, "Excuse me, you don't look old enough to vote. Pardon my asking, but how old are you?" Ha.

I was so proud that I got one of those stickers that says, "I Voted Early!" and I am wearing it with pride around my house, where the only one to see it is the dog, who can't read. Just because I'm so proud, I might wear it to school tomorrow, too.

The second reason I'm proud of myself is that I made zucchini-banana bread yesterday. From scratch. It was fabulous.

I was sick of seeing all of these zucchini's laying around going uneaten and I had two mushy bananas that needed a purpose. I put the two together with a recipe I found online and put on my Susie Homemaker apron (no, I really don't have an apron. Christmas is coming up, though) and got baking. Considering I haven't felt the urge to cook (let alone eat) much lately, I felt very proud that I could stomach the mushy bananas, the look of the sugar/brown sugar/egg mixture, and the whole process of putting ingredients together. For some, it may not be a big deal, but I feel proud.


WMAdamzzzz said...

I'm glad you got to vote--I think this early voting is the best, although I don't remember having ever waited in a very long line.

And send me some zuchinni bread--sounds yummy :)

Meggie said...

I'm boycotting the election. But I'm proud of you anyway and I hope you voted for the person that I hate the least. LOL.

Zucchini and/or banana bread? Gasp! Yummy. Bring some to Mom & Dad Huberts' tonight! lol. I don't know what time I'll be there. Probably some time before it gets dark, because my little sister wants to go trick-or-treating with my girls, over by my dad's house. :)