Thanks to the well-wishers for my big test yesterday. I really shouldn't say how I think it went because I'm not really sure myself. I do know that I spent too much time on one of the case studies, which require 3 two paragraph responses, and that cost me some time with the rest of the test. In total there were 4 case studies with three short answer (2 paragraph) questions for each & 24 multiple choice questions. I worked right up until the man called "time" and left feeling a) relieved that it was over, b) worried for the results that will arrive in the mail in 4 weeks.
Ben and I were just driving home from a family party and I mentioned that I felt like a I needed a day off from the weekend before going back to work. My weekend was so crazy busy with studying for the test, taking the test, and spending the better part of my Sunday working on an almost impossible assignment for my educational research class (that I absolutely HATE, by the way).
To make things even better, I smacked my head on the kitchen counter last night and have had a headache since, not to mention a nice bump where my head and the counter met. I'm feeling a little nauseous now, after eating too much sugar today, and trying to debate if I should take another Tylenol--they don't seem to do much!
I brought home a HUGE stack of papers to grade this weekend and obviously never touched it. Now I'm feeling guilty...but I really never had time to grade anyway.
One positive thing about the weekend, though, was that after 4 days I finally unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, wiped the counters, and cleaned (kind of) out the fridge. I know, huge accomplishment, right?
So, on this Sunday night, I'm not feeling rested or refreshed and I don't really want to go to work. But I'll wake up tomorrow and force myself to get ready for the day. And then I'll whine to myself all during 1st period that I'd rather be home in bed. And then before I know it, it will literally be Thursday again and I won't have noticed how much I needed just one more day off because I will have been so busy. And hopefully next weekend is a little more relaxing!!
1 week ago
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