Here's an awesome (ha!) shot of my 18 week baby bump. Mind you, I'm wearing the oh-so-fasionable maternity pants...that's not my belly skin. Ben said that he noticed the belly for the first time yesterday morning, so I suppose I've finally kind of popped. That and many students are keen to point out my fat tummy. We have one more week until another ultrasound. So excited!
I've finally found comfort in not being sick with whatever it was I was sick with. I still have a clogged nose and cough, but I sure do feel much better! I no longer sound like a pubescent boy. With many nights sleeping by the humidifier and guzzling loads and loads of juice, I'm glad to be on the mend.
I experienced what I think is the worst of the pregnancy side effects last night. I'm attributing this side effect to the pregnancy for two reasons: 1)Never experienced them before, and 2)My What to Expect when your Expecting book says it's a possible side effect in 2nd trimester.
I am talking about waking up to the worst leg cramp/charlie horse EVER. It was crippling. I couldn't seem to rub it away and winced in pain like a little girl. I got rid of it once and thought it was over, then it returned when I shifted positions again. This second one took a little while longer to get rid of.
When I woke up to get ready I could barely walk, my muscles were so sore and tight. By the end of school it was a little better, but it still feels sore. I'm dreading experiencing another one of those babies ever again, but I somehow think I am not going to get off that easy.
Glad you are feeling better. Nothing worse than being sick, I suppose. Your Grandma Adams used to get the worst charley horses you could imagine but of course they had nothing to do with being pregnant. I remember my dad massaging one foot especially to make them go away and you could see the movement in her foot. I even did it more than once and it was like rubbing a moving object..poor baby!! Love ya
The charlie horses are the worst! For sure! I remember waking Zach up just by him hearing me deal with the pain of them. They suck! I wILL PRAY FOR YOU THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANOTHER ONE! tHEY ARE A BEAST TO ENDURE :0(
I heard an old wives tale to put dove soap between mattress and box spring. I never tried it but HATED getting those darn charlie horse things! Glad you are feeling better!
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