Here's a silly picture of us on country dancing night at The Retrix (Rexburg's idea of a dance club). We all dressed up for the evening in obviously matching outfits. From left to right: Stephanie, Danielle, Amy, Lindsey, me, Sheena.

Don't we look HOT?!?! Here we are showing our Wrangler butts. (I would like to point out my very curly permed hair. I went through a phase and I'm glad I got out of it!) After several years without any real contact with these girls, we all--yes, all--connected again on that little gem, Facebook. We're all grown up, with big-girl responsibilties and families. I know for a fact that we have all "aged" well, so to speak...and though I thought we were all cute then, I think we're all much, much cuter now.
Again, thanks to Facebook, four of us were able to make a reconnection this week in American Fork. Too bad it wasn't everyone. Sheena, who lives in Ohio, made a visit to Utah/Idaho and both Stephanie and Amy live in Utah. So, the four of us met up at Stephanie's house on Tuesday for fajita night (something we did often in college) and had a great time talking and laughing about the crazy things we did (though I think I must have been a big looser because I wasn't much of a participant in the crazy activities, though I do remember them happening) and talking about our lives now. It was neat to see how we've all changed (and grown up), but also we are all still very much the same.
Here are the four of us, left to right: Sheena, Stephanie, Amy, me.
Oh it was so great seeing you Lauren- you look FABULOUS by the way- really. I'm so happy too that you took the frightening leap into college life and became my roommate- I'm even happier that you decided NOT to request an apartment change like you said you considered after the letter I sent you; honestly I just remember writing it being excited to meet you and Sheens- never meant to scare you girls. I share your love/hate relationship with blogging- I love it when other people post all the time- like you- but I hate it when I fall behind and have so much to write about; sometimes I want to forget I even started a blog but then I remind myself it's the only thing I've got to document the "happenings" going on in my little fam. You will LOVE that you blog, especially as your little one gets older. I thought about how I'd write this post after you girls left Tuesday evening- even thought about what picture from college I could use of all 6 of us where we all looked good- no pictures came to mind, probably because after seeing everyone recently I've decided we all look much better now- you said you went through a crazy perm obsession- um yeah- you guys let me dye my hair black- what on earth was I thinking! I'm excited to hear what your baby is- whether it's a Corah (I think I spelled that right) or an heir to your father in laws first name (sorry I forgot his first name but remembered the middle name would be Benjamin). It would be really fun to have a get together with all of us girls again wouldn't it?! I wonder if Nauvoo 312 is available to rent for a night during a summer so we could have a sleep over again. Take care and thanks for writing about the evening- I'm sure it will be months before I'm able to catch up on my blog and talk about the night. Good luck with delivery- don't worry- as calm as you are naturally it should be easy- do bring along an ipod with portable speakers if you have them, that way you and ben can listen to music while you're waiting for baby H to arrive and enjoy the epidural. ;) It's HEAVEN!
Holy novel comment! I'm just saying hi. :) Pop that baby out, I want to see the bean (okay, not a bean anymore, but still).
That is was so fun to see everyone again!! Hopefully we can keep these reunions a tradition!! Can't wait to see that baby!!
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