Sunday, July 15, 2007


It's Sunday but the sun has gone away. It's a bit cloudy and looks like rain is coming. But, no worries, it's still HOT!
The last few days have been busy, busy, busy. Friday and Saturday I spent up at Camp Tracy. I went as a leader for the Webloes day camp. We just have two Webloes in our program, but they each only went one of the days. Yesterday at camp, we went on a 6 mile hike. It wasn't a hard hike, but the heat of the day was enough to make it difficult. I had an ok time at camp; it was kind of boring, but I see the benefits for the scouts. I was so tired last night when we got home, I slept soundly all night until 9 o'clock this morning.

Last week while Ben and I were driving home, I saw this house in the passing neighborhood. I made Ben turn around and go see it. I can't figure out what the purpose of it is and I think it looks more like a snow cone than a house, but perhaps it's the trend of the future (I hope not!)

Friday night after returning from day camp, I went to dinner and Ballet Under the Stars with my mom, grandma, Hilary, and Cassidy. We ate at Mimi's, always yummy, and then went to the Murray Park Amphitheater for the ballet. It was lovely; it made me miss my days as a ballerina. I tried to keep Cassidy involved (she seemed through with the whole thing after the first dance) by having her help me count how many times the dancers jumped or pointed their toes. We had a little photo shoot before it started and here's what we got:

I was having a hard time getting her to look into the camera and smile, so this is the best we got. Don't be alarmed by the size of my arm--not a very flattering shot.

I enjoy this picture because you can see the color of both our eyes so well! I also love Cassidy's facial expression...and the fact that my arm is not included.

We are just getting ready to go over the the parent's Hubert for a National Ice Cream celebration. Should be good times. Tomorrow night, Oma and Opa Hubert return to Utah from their mission in Germany. I will be going to the airport to see them at 10:00pm; we are all very excited to see them!!!

Other exciting news: Ben's brother Johnny is getting married in August. I'm happy for him; Lacy is a sweet girl and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.

I leave for BYU-Idaho Education Week on Wednesday. My mom and I are going to camp up there and attend the classes. I'm uber excited to see my old stomping grounds (I've always wanted to say that...) and also see the temple under construction. We will return on Saturday.

I did Sharing Time today in Primary. It went well. I was supposed to talk about family history and the first person in my family to join the church. I learned about my great-great-great grandfather, Arza Adams, and told the kids his conversion story. I never knew some of the neat stuff about him (he delivered the letter/notice of Joseph and Hyram Smith's death to the people in Nauvoo). I had the kids draw a picture of their families and then begin filling out a pedigree chart. Now I have another month before I do sharing time again. I am really enjoying this calling.

Well, there's a bit of an update. I'm not feeling overly creative, but wanted to share some things that have been going on here lately....happy Sunday (or Cloudday)

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