My darling friend, Katie, tagged me. Thanks for showing me some love, dear friend. This will ease me into the blogging experience today because I have a lot to post about!
3 joys, 3 fears, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts, and 5 people to tagg, leave a comment for the 5 so they know thay have been tagged.
3 Joys
1. My family (ALL of them)
2. Cinnamon gummy bears
3. Reading a really good book.
3 Fears
1. Being alone in my house
2. Something going wrong with the baby
3. When my mom dies
3 Current obsessions/ collections
1. All things baby/pregnancy (books, websites, etc.)
2. Blurking (addicted to blogs!)
3. Collecting good books
3 Surprising Facts
1. I HATE the doctor/dentist but LOVE all the medical shows (even though I can't watch the bloody parts)
2. Never broken a bone
3. I would love to pierce my nose and get a tattoo (but probably never will)
5 people to tag (I'm changing this to 3 since everything else is 3's)
1. Sadie
2. Adrienne
3. anyone who wants to
6 days ago
help!! how do i fill this out and put it on my blog? i am a special needs blogger....
i can't even believe that i was not one of your current obsessions.
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