Wednesday, October 01, 2008

because i might throw up on you

I have done really well to stay on top of my nausea. Usually, if I eat something small every two hours I am fine. I eat a good breakfast, have a snack in between 1st and 2nd period, and never skip meals.

I usually start feeling that icky nauseous feeling right when 4th period starts, so I'm usually stuffing my face with something while my students work. They've picked up on this and have frequently questioned why I was always eating. Up until a few days ago, I haven't wanted to tell them the reason (that if I didn't eat, I might throw up on them). Today, however, they wouldn't just take my typical response, "Because I'm the teacher and I can."

So, it came out.

"I have a good reason why I am always eating in this class," I said smiling, debating whether or not I was really going to say.

"What's your reason? And you can't just say 'Because I'm the teacher and I can," one always-hungry-asking-for-my-food student asked.

"Well, my reason is because I'm pregnant and if I don't eat something I might throw up on you," I replied.

At first they all thought I was lying. Me, lie? And then they finally believed me and a few girls couldn't stop asking questions. I finally got them back on track...and continued to eat my fruit snacks.

I thought that the word might spread to my other classes, but I didn't have any "Are you pregnant?" questions from other students, yet. I'm not sure how long it'll be hush-hush.

However, after school got out, two former students who now are in high school came to my room. They didn't bother to say HI. They didn't ask how my year was going. The first thing they said was, "Are you really pregnant?" I laughed and said yes. And then the male student said as he left, "You're gross." Ha. I asked them how they heard at the high school and apparently one of the students in my 4th period is cousin to one of these former students and instantly text messaged her to tell her.


Anonymous said...

Did I ever tell you my story about my 5th grade teacher and when she showed up pregnant like after the Christmas holiday? I'm too lazy to type it here but remind and I will tell you sometime

Glad you aren't feeling too bad. Will you be able to be off school the rest of the school year after the baby comes?

Love y a


sadie said...

hilarious!! good news travels fast. how are you feeling? we need to get together. are you getting a tiny belly yet? I MUST see you. call me!!!

Tara said...

Oh the glory of being a school teacher AND being pregnant. I totally pulled the "Because I'm the teacher and I can." :) I have to admit, it is fun to have so many people excited with you! I hope your icky nausea phase passes quickly...keep shovin' that food down to keep it at bay!