I normally hate taking days off work because putting stuff together for a sub really sucks, but today's day off was totally worth it.
B and I got to see baby Hubert this morning for 10 minutes! Then we got to wait for 30 minutes to see the doctor to tell me that everything is so normal, it's kind of boring!
The ultrasound was awesome. The tech forgot to start recording it right first, so we missed getting any of the fun profile shots, but we still got to see the baby (now the size of a bell pepper who weighs as much as a can of Coke) dancing around. She told us to look away when she got close to the "parts" so we wouldn't see anything either way, but as I watched the rest of it ultrasound, I could barely tell the head from the stomach, so I wasn't too worried I'd figure it out!
Then, I had to get up to go to the bathroom to give baby more room to move so she could get a shot of the heart...which even after I went to the bathroom, took a while for baby to settle down long enough to see anything. We heard the heartbeat--148--and when the doctor came in to check everything, all the measurements are perfect and I'm actually measuring 19 weeks and 1 day. (Oh, and the picture above is the baby's little feet...the only picture the tech printed off for us.)
I had an appointment right after the ultrasound with my regular doc, who had delivered several babies this am, so we had a long wait. I gained a whole 2 ounces. And, like I said, my doctor, who I love, love, love, said I'm doing everything right and everything looks good, and thus appointments are kind of boring. She did tell us, however, that she loves delivering surprise babies because it's fun to make it a BIG deal.
((After working on it for a while, I still can't figure out how to upload the video to my blog, but it's honestly a little boring because we don't have any of the fun profile shots at the beginning, just the same thing over and over again. I'll see if I can figure it out eventually. ))
1 comment:
Such cute little toes! I love ultrasounds. I hope you can get the video to work!
Hooray for only gaining 2 ounces! You're much luckier than I was in the weight gain department, lol.
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